Ok, so maybe those were slightly exaggerated, but truthfully each year I make my list and usually within days I have "fallen off" the proverbial wagon and I my resolutions are a thing of the past. I have been reflecting a lot the past week or so and I realize that what I want more than anything is to be the person I was used to be. Not literally, 10 years all but erases that possibility. But I want to look in the mirror and see someone smiling back that not only do I like, but funny as this may sound, I love.
Posted below is my list of resolutions for the year. You might note that #4 on my list is Love myself. This isn't anything weird or funny, just truly loving who I am. I need to appreciate all of the good in my life. Be thankful for what I have and what I can do. And more importantly I need to accept what I can't do, not beat myself up over it, but accept that its ok.
In 2 weeks I will be turning 35. That is a magical age to me, not because I am half way to 40 but because I feel like I am finally an adult. An adult who resolves to love myself.